The Peace Pentagon

339 Lafayette, New York City, the building is known locally and nation-wide as a centre for peace activism, giving rise to the affectionate nickname “Peace Pentagon” as a symbol of peace activism. This three-story corner commercial building with stores on the first floor and offices on the second and third floors was designed in 1922, and became protected as part of a Manhattan Historic District in 2008.

By preserving the existing building façade with a new five storey office block on top, the design will provide more efficient tenant spaces. The retaining façade will be link on the outside by a transparent skirt of glazing that floods the spaces below with natural light and encourages an impression of the tower floating weightlessly above the base. The lobby occupies within the renovated original retaining façade, with spaces provides access to all parts of the building. It incorporates the main elevator lobby, the cafeteria, auditorium and mezzanine levels for Peace Pentagon gift shop and special functions. Members of the public are also invited to share the building with a flexible space on the top floor as “City’s Lounge” which also offers roof top view of the city.

Bio integration
A woven blending greening material with the building form will provide a more stable diverse and stable ecosystem in the city, which enable species interaction and migration linked to existing vegetation at ground level. (i)

Carbon sinks
Forests, soils and other vegetation currently absorb about 40 per cent of the emission from the built environment. Vegetation is growing to absorb carbon dioxide and accelerated the cycle of photosynthesis, to produce high oxygen level fresh air to the building for the occupiers. (ii)

Water purification
As vegetation is interwoven with the built form, each garden will remove grey water pollutants through filtration, settlement and active uptake by vegetation roots. (iii)