Centre for Sustainable Energy

The new centre for sustainable energy technologies will engage in research in this vitally important area and provide students taught courses linked to established courses in Nottingham. The new building will designed to serve as an exemplar building, demonstrating state of the art techniques for environmentally responsible, sustainable construction.

Design outline
This building will be designed to minimise its environmental impact by promoting energy efficiency through careful consideration of the planning, orientation and building envelope, and as far as possible using passive means to archive heating, cooling and ventilation. Where possible the building will be designed using locally available materials with low embodied energy, storing rainwater and re-using grey water where appropriate, and attempt to develop its own ecology and biodiversity within the site. It is intended that this building will not require conventional heating or cooling systems, and residual energy requirements will be met by renewable sources.

The centre will provide research training for students by research. In addition to the centre will conduct extensive research and design in applied science and technology, as well as developing an  income generating commercialization strategy, it will also seek to produce policy relevant research.